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Computerized Support Systems

This topic covers the following areas:

Developing the optimized renewal strategy for any asset, facility or system is the effectiveness goal of every asset manager and strategic planner.

Adopting the most appropriate evaluation process within a Total Quality Management (TQM) approach are the ways in which we can determine the lowest life cycle cost options and rationalize these within our business environment frameworks to deliver the most appropriate renewal strategy for our organizations.

Determining the most effective strategy involves a significant management input through analysis, time and effort, support information systems data capture and maintenance of that data over a considerable timeframe.

It is vital to reduce the cost of this management input in every way possible, and match it to the benefits capable of being derived.

These inputs are quite significant for we need to identify the optimal renewal strategy for all our assets (both individual assets and multiple assets) to produce accurate asset management plans and the appropriate blend of capital and maintenance expenditure.

It is not difficult to realize that if we are required to complete an ORDM analysis for every asset and some of their components, considerable management inputs and costs will be required.

As with other cost reduction opportunities it is imperative that we look at the tasks and activities involved in this analytical management process and automate these costs effectively to reduce the overall cost.

This section outlines the way in which many of these ORDM processes can be automated to reduce many of the tasks, providing filtered products for further analysis.

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Renewal Decision Analysis   The Process