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How do I navigate?

The Table of Contents on the left side of the screen is the primary navigation tool.

You will note the item is highlighted where the cursor sits.

As you click on a topic the subtopics will appear beneath it.

The site uses all the standard Internet Explorer buttons, like "Back", "Forward" and "Refresh".

The Diagrams on the left above the Table of Contents provide an overall indication of AMPLE'S philosophy on integration of the Quality Framework with the Asset Life Cycle.

To navigate to a detailed description of each element, "left click" on each element.

The two elements are:

QUALITY FRAMEWORK - shows how all facets of the framework are involved in producing and implementing the Total Asset Management Plan.Click on the element of the Asset Management Framework to navigate to a detailed description of the element.
ASSET LIFE CYCLE - follows an asset through all stages of its life.Click on the element of the Asset Life Cycle to navigate to a detailed description of the element.

There are more buttons at the top right of the screen.

These give quick access to some commonly used functions.

The buttons are:

 Home: Returns to the AMPLE home page.
 Glossary of Terms: Contains all the asset management terminology relevant to AMPLE materials.
 WebLinks: Connects with other asset management sites or other sites with up-to-date data on asset management.
 Search: Allows you to search the AMPLE site.

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